There are times when you need marriage counseling to refresh your connection. You may have gotten caught up in raising kids or creating a career and lost touch with your husband or wife. It is easy to do in this fast-paced world.

Stepping back into the marriage that God had intended for you can be difficult. God designed marriage to bring husband and wife together to live life in one accord with Him.

For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. Genesis 2:24, NASB

Sometimes a marriage falls into a trap of needing to be focused on success and perceived perfection. We fail to realize God has a better plan for us as husbands and wives. He wants us always to be connected as one to Him. We are to work together to be fruitful in this life that He has given us.

Heath Christian Counseling wants to assist you in creating a healthy marriage through marriage counseling. We can help you sort through the issues and create a marriage that reflects godly principles.

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(469) 333-6163

Everyone who is going through a hard time in marriage wants to know if marriage counseling will save their marriage. Many people do not want to invest in something that isn’t going to work. However, research shows that marriage counseling often does work. At least 70% of couples who chose marriage counseling to restore their marriage have been noted to be happier.

The best thing for a marriage to flourish under a biblical-centered union is using a faith-based outline of principles. The counselors at Heath Christian Counseling seek to create this outline based on your input and desires. Thriving with God as a couple is a way it was intended for couples to live in marital bonds.

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. Ecclesiastes 4:9, ESV

The best time to get marriage counseling is before the big problems develop. Many couples turn to counseling as a last resort. However, it can be a helpful tool in preventative maintenance. As soon as you notice patterns of tension, it’s wise to have a few sessions with a marriage counselor.

The decision to get marriage counseling is something that must be mutual between the husband and wife. It can be difficult because it requires vulnerability. The realization of the need is the first step.

Everyone deserves to have a healthy and happy marriage. Not just for themselves, but the children as well. There are many reasons to seek a safe place to choose marriage counseling, and it’s wise not to hesitate when you consider whether it’s time to get outside help.

You may be wondering what the goals of marriage counseling would look like. The goals are set up according to what issues you are facing as a couple. The benefits of a structured counseling plan are:

  • Restoration of intimacy
  • A closer bond
  • Increased trust in communication
  • Awareness of excitement for plans
  • A new spiritual connection with God as a couple
  • New abilities to converse and solve problems

Using the principles found in God’s Word, the counselors at Heath Christian Counseling put together a structured plan specific for your marriage and the goals you want to reach. By structuring the counseling in this manner, the rate of success increases.

Focusing on you as a couple within the boundaries of God’s Word leads to a positive experience. When the experience is positive, you will find that marriage counseling helps in understanding how to restore the beauty your marriage once held.

Making Marriage Work

Sometimes it’s the little things that make a huge difference. Marriage is no exception to this rule. Taking note of how to overcome some of the problems could be the biggest factor of making your marriage work.

The most common area of marriage that proves to be a problem is the area of communication. In many ways, men and women think differently, which is why communication problems often develop. There is a notable difference in the expression of needs for men and women. This difference is one that poses the biggest problem. Most misunderstandings come from the difference of communication within the marriage.

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(469) 333-6163

Learning to Communicate Effectively

Better communication can be achieved by acknowledging why there is miscommunication and learning skills to overcome this problem area. This simple step can increase the understanding and decrease the conflict. This will lead to a desire to engage in meaningful conversations more often.

Rebuilding Trust

Some issues cause the trust in a marriage to be broken. Infidelity is one of the more common ways trust is broken. Sexual addiction is also a common factor in the loss of trust in a marriage. Working together as couple to a overcome this problem can be difficult alone. Heath Christian Counseling understands this difficulty and will strive to help you and your spouse overcome this area in order to once again thrive in marriage.

By overcoming the anxiety due to memories of being betrayed, the marriage can find a way to repair the trust and build a new foundation. It is also to the advantage of overcoming trust issues to talk about what may have caused the betrayal. This is also handled better when you have marriage counseling in a safe and private space.

The Ultimate Grief

One of the hardest things you can face as a parent is the loss of a child. This loss can cause a barrage of emotions that affect every part of your being. Because of this loss, a marriage may become damaged. Learning to lean on God together is the best way to overcome this grief. Heath Christian Counseling wants to help you understand that together you can overcome one of the hardest pains we can ever face.

Financial Issues

Life happens every day and in those stressful moments you may find yourself overcome with anxiety. Most couples worry if they will have enough is something happens to one of them. This is the top money stress that most couples face. The best tool is to seek a financial company to help you understand your options and how to obtain them.

Another aspect of financial issues is one in which there is overspending or keep money from each other. These types of behaviors can definitely cause a rift in the marriage. Understanding the reasoning behind these problems can be addressed in marriage counseling. Heath Christian Counseling wants to see you prosper as God promises.

When Job Loss Happens

Job loss can sometimes happen without warning. In today’s unstable economy, job loss can cause major problems in marriage. Understanding how to communicate everything surrounding the event is helpful for the other spouse. Choosing to work together to come up with a workable financial plan is a positive step in the right direction. However, this isn’t always as simple as it seems.

The fear of losing everything begins to manifest in the form of anxiety. This anxiety in turn can begin to cause tension due to irritability. Reminding each other of what happened is detrimental and only causes more stress. Learning to cope with the change and seek a way to use it to your advantage is one of the ways Heath Christian Counseling can help you navigate this unexpected life event.

Beating Divorce

Choosing to seek marriage counseling when you feel there has been a significant change in your marriage is the first step to beating divorce. Feeling hopeless in a marriage can lead you to feel that there is nothing that can be done. Though you may think the best choice is a divorce, that is not always the case. Most divorced people find that they are unhappier after divorce.

The lasting effects of divorce are most evident in the lives of the children. These effects can last a lifetime if not addressed before, during, and after the actual divorce. The adjustment that children face after a divorce is knowing where they fit. They suddenly find themselves split between two homes and more often two sets of rules. This can cause anxiety and may lead to behavioral problems.

Even though it seems like hard work, marriage counseling could be the most valuable tool in restoring your relationship. If you feel that you are in a hopeless situation with your marriage, or you just want to strengthen the marriage you have, reach out to Heath Christian Counseling today. Let the counselors in Heath, Texas help you navigate the path to restoration, hope, and happiness with your spouse and family.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 333-6163