Something to consider as you dive into a new relationship is couples counseling. Understanding the biblical commitment as well as your expectations is vital to creating a marriage that will last when life gets tough. The counselors at Heath Christian Counseling will lead you and your partner through counseling that will enhance your relationship as you pursue marriage.

For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. Genesis 2:24, NASB

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If you are looking at this page, then you are seeking answers to the question of couples counseling. Even some of the strongest relationships need counseling at times. Counseling doesn’t mean that you won’t ever get along. Wanting a better relationship doesn’t mean that there is a lack of love for your partner. You simply may be wanting to have a healthy relationship based on Christian principles.

Some of the more common indicators for counseling revolve around the need to create a healthy relationship. In the chaos of trying to build a career and stay spiritually healthy, couples sometimes lose touch with each other. When this happens, they can choose to pursue life on their own or they can try to reconnect or repair what they have.

You may be seeking information to help you find a way to reconnect with your partner. Heath Christian Counseling has counselors that are willing to provide you with information to help you make an informed decision.

Here are some indicators that couples counseling would be beneficial.

Miscommunication: Having a misunderstanding is not something that would cause couples to terminate the relationship. However, the hurt that comes from multiple miscommunications could pile up and cause a breaking point. That is why learning to communicate is so important to relationships.

Better communication can be achieved by acknowledging why miscommunication happens and learning skills to overcome this problem area. This simple step can increase understanding and decrease conflict. This will lead to a desire to engage in meaningful conversations more often.

Broken Trust: Some issues cause the trust in a relationship to be broken. Infidelity is one of the more common ways trust is broken. Learning to forgive a partner for having an affair is a difficult process. A big part of overcoming this broken trust is to understand the underlying issue that led to seeking an affair.

Couples can also be affected by sexual and other types of addictions. These addictions may leave the other partner feeling as though they will never be able to connect intimately. These problems can be addressed with care and compassion by a Christian counselor.

Detrimental behaviors: Any behavior that pulls you away from the relationship is detrimental. Some of these behaviors are a result of trauma or abuse as a child. Some behaviors can strain a relationship due to anxiety.

When these behaviors are deeply rooted, it is better to seek counseling to help overcome them. Breaking the cycle of unhealthy behavior patterns will allow couples to understand how to connect and create a healthy lifestyle for their future.

Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2, NASB

Knowing when to seek counseling can range from feeling like you aren’t connecting to wondering if the fight for the relationship is worthwhile. Many situations can cause tension in a close relationship. When there is tension in your relationship, it could be a sign that couples counseling may be a tool you can utilize to restore your relationship. The counselors at Heath Christian Counseling would love to guide you in overcoming the challenges that have caused tension with your partner.

Building Christ-Centered Relationships

When you seek to build your relationship based on the biblical principles of God’s Word, you are building a foundation that will sustain the hard times. God designed us to be in communion with Him. He also wants us to build our relationships in that communion. God wants to be the third cord in the strand of your relationship. There is a reason that God wants man and woman to be connected through Him.

Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor; for if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up! Furthermore, if two lie down together they keep warm, but how can one be warm alone? And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, NASB

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 333-6163

Healthy Dating Creates a Healthy Marriage

Being a couple today means that you are subjected to the whims of what the world thinks is best for couples. The dating scene in society today is not what our parents experienced. Today’s normal is promiscuity. Choosing to date and build a relationship is a healthy way to pursue a relationship beyond dating. The counselors at Heath Christian Counseling can help you understand how to connect with purity while dating.

Learning to connect on levels other than sexuality creates a relationship built on understanding each other. When you can understand your partner as a friend, then you can understand how to relate in ways that produce a healthy marriage.

Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterers. Hebrews 13:4, NASB

God never intended for relationships to be built around sexual promiscuity. That part of the relationship was meant to be intimate and life-giving only between husbands and wives. You will never regret saving yourself for your future spouse.

The outcome of couples counseling greatly depends on the couple. The couple may be seeking to repair the damage that has been done by miscommunication or infidelity. Another outcome could be based on pre-marital counseling to create a better relationship in preparation for the unity of marriage.

No matter what your goal is, the Christian counselors in Heath, Texas are here to help you achieve the relationship you desire. It has been widely noted that couples counseling before marriage leads to a healthier marriage.

There are a few different methods that can be utilized to assist you and your partner in reaching your goal. When you reach out to Heath Christian Counseling, we can help you decide which method would best serve your needs. These methods include:

  • Psychodynamic Approach
  • Gottman Method
  • Crucible Approach Couples Counseling
  • Narrative Therapy
  • Emotionally-Focused Couples Therapy

When you contact our counselors, they will discuss these methods. This will help you make an informed decision in choosing which method is best for you and your partner.

The counselors at Heath Christian Counseling strive to help clients receive the best results. They want to ensure that couples are given biblically-based information and tools to help them build long-lasting relationships.

It is fundamental to create a relationship based on God’s design for couples. This creates bonds that encourage togetherness in all aspects of the relationship.

Lifetime Benefits of Couples Counseling

By choosing couples counseling prior to marriage, a foundation is built that will produce lifetime benefits. Not only will these benefits affect you and your partner, but they will also affect your family. Should you pursue marriage and children, the knowledge you gain in couples counseling will remain effective in other aspects of relationships in your family, including the following:

  • Better communication and listening skills
  • Removing destructive behaviors
  • Understanding how to encourage each other
  • Learning to work together to overcome issues
  • Recognizing barriers that cause challenges
  • Creating a spiritually based relationship
  • Gaining the ability to make decisions as a team

Using the principles found in God’s Word, a counselor at Heath Christian Counseling will put together a structured plan specific for your relationship and the goals you want to reach. By structuring the counseling in this manner, the rate of success increases.

Focusing on you as a couple within the boundaries of God’s Word leads to a positive experience. When the experience is positive you will find that couples counseling helps in understanding how to pursue a healthy relationship with one another for years to come.

If you feel that you are ready for couples counseling, contact Heath Christian Counseling. There are counselors ready to discuss options and strategies that will enhance your relationship with your partner.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 333-6163