Children are so easily influenced by the world around them. There are times these influences lead to behavioral or mental health issues. Children weren’t designed to take on the stress of peer pressure that is so prevalent in the world today.

Learning to raise a child according to God’s Word is becoming less popular. However, once the boundaries are established the child will have a foundation that will carry him or her through life. Heath Christian Counseling is ready to help you understand how counseling for children and biblical principles can create that foundation for your child.

Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he grows older he will not abandon it. Proverbs 22:6, NASB

By applying Christ-centered applications you can raise your children in a way that will give them the tools to face their challenges. These principles help them understand that the “cool-kid club” doesn’t always have their best interest at heart. Using a faith-based process our counselors can assist you in giving your child access to those tools.

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Identifying the need for counseling in your child isn’t always quick. Because you are looking for answers you are aware that something is going on with your child. That could be an indicator that counseling may be needed. Here are a few problem areas that can help you identify if your child needs counseling:

  • Unable to get along with family members
  • Anxiety from health issues
  • Academics have changed
  • Not interested in social connections with peers
  • Exhibits dangerous behaviors – drugs or sexual promiscuity
  • Experienced grief or trauma
  • Transition in life – the family moved or new family members
  • No longer interested in spiritual growth

Any of the above issues could be a sign that your child is having difficulty processing a challenge he or she is facing. You don’t have to face this process alone. Children aren’t any different than adults when it comes to experiencing issues that affect their moods or mental health. Reach out and allow Heath Christian Counseling to lead you through this time with your child.

The result of counseling for children can be a positive outcome. It has been proven that counseling for children with any type of problem that is affecting them mentally or emotionally can be beneficial. The key factor is ensuring that the child knows they are valuable and that there is support to help them work through the challenges. Though the process may be different from adult counseling programs, the outcome is still the same.

Just like adults, children and teens face challenges that can cause depression and anxiety. The difference is that they sometimes don’t understand what is going on within themselves. Since they don’t know what they are feeling, they don’t know how to ask for help. Counseling gives them the support system they need in difficult times.

The Benefits of Christian Counseling for Children

Christian counseling is not the same as secular-based counseling. Using a spiritual approach to well-being offers deeper healing. With a specific counseling plan designed for your child, Heath Christian Counseling can guide you in finding and maintaining a healthy balance for your child’s mental and emotional health. Christian counseling not only helps the parent help the child, but it also helps your child understand the biblical tools he or she can use for healing.

Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Psalm 127:3, NASB

We understand that some parents wish to use more natural treatment methods for their children. There are options when it comes to treating issues such as ADHD or anxiety. It is not uncommon for parents to opt-out of using medications for treatment. Counselors at Heath Christian Counseling can discuss these options and design a unique treatment plan for your child.

As with adults, the expectation of counseling children is much the same. Because each child is unique their response to counseling is unique. The goal is to create a plan that will combine God’s principles, parental support, and counselor guidance. This combination creates the ability for the child to overcome challenges. Counselors at Heath Christian Counseling want to help you encourage your child to reach their potential as a child of God.

“‘For I know the plans that I have for you,’” declares the LORD, “‘plans for prosperity and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.’” Jeremiah 29:11, NASB

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 333-6163

Most Common Areas of Counseling for Children

These are the most common reasons parents seek counseling for their children from Heath Christian Counseling.

Anxiety and depression: Children are not immune from experiencing anxiety or depression. If your child seems to have a sudden onset of nightmares, he or she could be battling anxiety. Other signs of anxiety are lack of concentration at school, headaches, and a new concern for family or self. Depression could be the culprit if your child seems to isolate from family or appear to be more tired. Each of these is treatable with and without medication.

ADHD: Even though ADHD is like anxiety, there is a difference. This requires a different approach for counseling children that have been diagnosed with ADHD. It can also be treated with and without medication. The most common indicators of ADHD are lack of attention, impulsiveness, and constant motion.

Eating disorders: The most common indicator is a change in your child’s eating habits. He or she may all of a sudden decide not to eat with the family or no longer like a favorite food. Most parents identify with the avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder. AFRID is when a child struggles to eat for a reason that has nothing to do with appearance, such as fear of choking or getting sick.

Self-injuring behaviors: Most children who exhibit self-injuring behaviors suffer from an underlying impairment such as autism. Seeing your child try to self-harm can be alarming. Although the child may not be trying to inflict a life-ending injury, any self-injuring behavior can result in death. If you notice blood on clothes or bruises of which you were unaware, your child could be trying to self-injure. Sometimes there are external factors will influence these behaviors.

Anger issues: When a child battles anger issues counseling can help you help them without provoking more anger. There has to be authority, but there also has to be consistency. Otherwise, the child may become less likely to overcome anger issues. Counselors can help you create a healthy way to respond to anger while encouraging your child to manage their emotions.

Teens often find themselves barraged by many different emotions and challenges. They are attempting to learn how to be their own person while following the guidance of their parents. There are times when some teens face challenges due to influences from other teens around them. The most common challenges that teens face are:

  • Behavior and mood disorders
  • Self-identity
  • Sexual promiscuity
  • Teen pregnancy
  • Problem-solving
  • Spiritual growth
  • Peer pressure
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

It’s not always easy to pinpoint normal teen behavior and behavior that may need counseling. If you are unsure it is better to talk to a counselor. Heath Christian Counseling would be happy to help you find biblical principles that will help you guide your teen through these years of growth.

Once you have decided that your child and family may benefit from counseling for children, you can contact a counselor near you to request an appointment. Knowing that you can help your child navigate behavioral and mental health issues can bring peace of mind. By following a Christ-based treatment plan, you are letting your child know that you love him or her enough to help overcome whatever obstacles he or she is facing.

This is His commandment, that we believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as He commanded us. 1 John 3:23, NASB

Heath Christian Counseling would be happy to discuss your options and needs regarding your child’s need for counseling. Contact us today.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 333-6163